Mr. Howell, Teacher, SMHS
Supporting the Mission:
Alex's Story
Preventation & Harm Reduction: "The proof is in the Stats"
"We need more preventative efforts. Prevention is hard. It is hard in various ways. It takes a lengthy amount of time to analyze prevention results to see if they are paying off. It is also more difficult to obtain funding for. It is easier to gain funding and support for harm reduction tools such as Narcan because of how quickly you can measure it...
However, even with Narcan and other harm reduction tools, our overdose rates are higher than they have ever been? The proof is in our stats. The United States had over 109,000 reported overdose deaths in 2022, with over 76,000 of them being caused from synthetic opioids. We need to start doing the hard work because this is a hard problem to resolve." - Executive Director Alex's Story, Tami Garcia
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Alex's parents, Tomes and Tami Garcia interviewing with a local media outlet, sharing their story of losing their son.
Photo of Tami Garcia with Phil Ortega, a dedicated educator at Crater Lake Academy during a school presentation.
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Become a contributor to a great cause! Alex's Story brings education and their heartfelt story directly to middle and high school students. Help them achieve their mission today - decreasing overdose deaths through preventative efforts. 97% of students claim they are more prepared against fentanyl after our presentation!
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